Travel Insurance: Why You Need it for Your Next Global Adventure
The story goes like this: the night before I would be taking a five-hour bus ride from Florence, Italy, to Nice, France, I went out to dinner to celebrate a friend’s birthday. I was already feeling a little “wonky”; I was tired from non-stop traveling every weekend. Headache. Stomachache. Body ache. I had it all. But I didn’t want to miss out on dinner with friends. So, despite my wooziness, I showed up.
Cacio e pepe, per favore.
I asked the waiter as he went around the table asking for everyone’s order. Surely the freshly-grated, richly-flavored truffles on top of the Italian specialty wouldn’t be a mistake. I ate as much as I could, savoring every delicious bite before I couldn’t eat anymore.
As soon as I got back to my homestay I fell to my bed, slumped from a “mysterious affliction” that was quickly getting worse. Minute by minute, I reached a near-comatose state. The headache, stomachache, and body ache were amplified even more than before, like an electric guitar at a rock concert. But tomorrow I was set to depart on a five-hour bus trip to Nice, France.
I can’t miss the free trip to Nice!
I thought to myself, over and over. I had been selected to attend one of my program’s most coveted “freebies”: a weekend trip to Nice, which was included in our tuition. I took a COVID test. Negative. Nothing could explain my sudden illness.
The next morning, despite the cold sweats and fatigue, I trekked to the bus stop to catch my program’s bus ride to France.
Five hours, I can do it.
I quickly realized, one hour into the bus ride, that last night’s dinner and my “mysterious affliction” would take me out before I even passed the Italian-French border. I was sicker than a Victorian child with the flu. And to make matters worse, the bathroom was kept locked because they didn’t want to worry about cleaning up after a bunch of college kids!
I was SOL (Sh*t Out of Luck…)! I kept asking my trip leaders to pull the bus over at the next gas station, each time running into the restroom to make sure I didn’t embarrass myself on the bus. I was freaking out. I was lightheaded, to the point of nearly passing out. I couldn’t eat or drink anything because my stomach DESPISED me (thank you freshly-grated Italian truffles! To this day I’m still afraid of their monumental effect on my gut…)! And I was running a low grade fever…among other things.
Tearfully arriving at our quaint hotel in a small French town, just outside of Nice, called Menton, I explained to my trip leader that I needed to find a hospital. URGENTLY. She grabbed me by my trembling hand, and together we hobbled to the nearest hospital. Did I mention that it was pouring rain?
I finally arrived at the French hospital, soaking wet, shivering, and pale. I could barely communicate with the doctor as my French was limited to “bonjour” and “merci”. But after describing my symptoms through gestures (THINK: a goofy-looking French mime), pointing to my trouble areas (my stomach, back, and head), and awkwardly trying to explain that *GRAPHIC CONTENT WARNING* I was bleeding out of my ass (Sorry! I warned you!), the doctor came up with this diagnosis:
*Dramatic pause for emphasis*
Hemorrhoids. Severe period cramps. Dehydration. Exhaustion.
You’re JOKING, I thought. If only I knew how to say that in French. There was no way that my marathon of traumatic and seemingly life-threatening symptoms boiled down to THAT diagnosis. The doctor shook his head at me and said one word in English: REST.
So I hobbled on my way, to the pharmacy, to pick up a slew of French medicines for my minor ailments. As a student with a limited budget, despite the affordability of European healthcare, I wished there was a way to have that unforeseen circumstance covered…OH WAIT THERE IS!
Two words…
travel insurance.
What is travel insurance and why do you need it?
Travel insurance is a coverage plan that will protect you from unpredictable events that may occur while you travel, which can result in financial loss.
Many plans include coverage for missed, canceled, or interrupted flights, lost luggage, and unexpected illness or injury. Travel insurance would’ve covered the cost of my hospital visit in France, had I known about it when I was a student traveling abroad!
If you are planning a big adventure somewhere around the world, the first thing you should do after you book your flight is find the right travel insurance for you.
It’s difficult to predict the dreaded “unforeseen circumstances”, but travel insurance will have your back if the unexpected happens! You should consider the age of the traveler (insurance is especially important for families!), medical history, as well as duration and cost of the trip. Depending on these circumstances, your insurance will cost you between 2–10% of your trip cost, but plans can be as affordable as $25! When I traveled to Norway, I found affordable student travel insurance with international medical coverage for a small fee.
There are several types of travel insurance including coverage plans for the following circumstances:
Trip Cancelation or Interruption
Life happens! Sometimes you need to cancel your trip. Job loss. Family issues. Sudden illness. Major pandemic. The list of reasons for trip cancelation goes on and on. Most airlines, hotels and cruises will not reimburse for sudden cancelation, especially as your departure date approaches. Trip cancelation insurance will cover most of your trip’s expenses. Trip interruptions can also happen unexpectedly. Trip interruption insurance covers any costs associated with delayed flights, lost baggage due to delay, etc. As with all insurance policies READ THE FINE PRINT. Some plans are better than others.
Cancel For Any Reason Insurance
Seems pretty self-explanatory to me! Cancel for any Reason Insurance is exactly that: maybe you just don’t want to go anymore! These coverage plans will usually reimburse you a set amount outlined in the fine print. Some plans will reimburse up to 75% of the total pre-paid, non refundable amount you paid for your trip.
Lost and/or Damaged Luggage
Sometimes airlines make mistakes. When my mom traveled to Croatia with her family, her baggage was lost and she was forced to wear the same outfit for TEN DAYS. Insurance can help with that! Airlines will rarely replace lost or damaged luggage. If they do, you’ll need to provide a long list of receipts (photos and detailed descriptions of your items!) in your claim to get money for lost things. Protect your stuff with travel insurance!
Illness or Injury Abroad
Perhaps the most important reason for getting travel insurance! I didn’t expect to find myself in a French hospital on what was supposed to be an adventurous weekend in the French Riviera. Travel insurance can cover medical costs associated with unexpected illness or injury abroad. Maybe you’re planning on hiking to Mt. Everest Base Camp and you sprain your ankle in the Khumbu Valley…insurance will cover medical costs for seeking treatment! Your US-based medical plan will likely not cover medical needs abroad, so finding a travel plan that covers illness or injury is very important!
There are also comprehensive travel coverage options that include a wide variety of coverage plans. Consider all circumstances when you plan your trip, and protect yourself from financial loss! Additionally, don’t forget to read the find print when choosing the right plan for you! Many coverage plans have very detailed and specific terms and conditions.
Long story short, I lived to tell the tale about my tumultuous trip to the French Riviera!
But I did wish I purchased an affordable travel insurance plan to cover the cost of my hospital visit! I hope you decide to make the smart decision to find insurance coverage for your adventures abroad! It’s best to be protected from unforeseen circumstances!